Unfortunately, my laptop is out-of-commission for awhile so I won't be able to post anything. I don't know when this will be fixed, but I really hope soon. I have sooooooooo much to blog about!!! Its really upsetting. I hope everyone is enjoying their Halloween and don't forget in 10 more followers I am hosting a giveaway! So stay tuned!
A blog about makeup, love, boys, geekery and zombies. Cause that's all life should be about, right?
Type In the Box
Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Darling Ghoul Swatchlove!!!
One day while I did my usual facebooking things, I read that Darling Girl Cosmetics was looking for ideas for her upcoming Halloween collection. Now, I've had this eye shadow color I've been wanting for years and no one has ever made that color. So, I thought "I'll give it a try and suggest my dream color." My dream color is: a pearly white with red sparklies. Now, I never realized that she would actually chose to make my color. But when I found out, I was so excited! This color is Dream Scream. I knew it had to be mine. So, in the process of ordering my colors, I ordered a sample set of the Darling Ghoul Collection and a petite of Dream Scream. I haven't ordered from Darling Girl in quite sometime, and I feel like I have fallen in love with this company again. Susan, the owner, has really come a long way and she deserves it 100%. Ready for the swatchlove?
Look at all the cute little extras!
Will-o Wisp - is a gorgeous color. Its a really cute pink with a very strong whitish gold shimmer. I love it.
Apparition - is a chrome color. This was probably my least favorite of the whole collection.
Jack's Lantern - is a dark purple with some red accents to it. I adore this color. I have been craving these types of purples and this one just does it for me. Its perfect.
Witch & Famous - is a taupe with some reddish accents in it. There are also some gold sparklies in it. I usually never like taupes, but I love this color.
Pumpkin Eater - is a soft orange with a green shimmer. This is an awesome color.
Pretty Plasma - is an watery blue color. I thought I would like this color more, but sadly I didn't. Maybe it is because I haven't tried it on my eyes yet.
Scream Queen - is a pearly red. Apparently this is supposed to have sparklies in it but I didn't see any. But I love how this is not a matte like most reds I own tend to be.
Bats in the Belfry - is an brown/olive color. I didn't expect to like this color but I really like it. Its a lot different than any other colors I happen to own.
Crypt Keeper - might look very similar to Bats in the Belfry but you are wrong! Crypt Keeper is more gold toned than olive. I like this color too!
Zombody to Love - is one of my favorites. Its a darkened blue with blue and gold sparklies. I love this color. Perfect for the autumn and winter months.
Thriller - is a quite sheer red with a gold/bronze accenty feel to it. I'm still undecided on this color. I might have to try it in a look to figure out if I really like it or not.
Corpse Candle - was the surprise of the bunch. It is a matte white with purple sparklies! Its so pretty! I love it.
Dream Scream - is a pearl white with red sparklies! This is my color!!!! =] I adore it. Its exactly what I wanted. Thanks, Susan!!!
Candy Corn - is a glitter blend of red, orange, and holographic glitter. How cool is that!
Ghost Light - is a really light pastel blue with a light gold shift. I adore this color. Its such a pretty shade of blue.
Freebie Time!
Smoking Gun - is a taupe with some purple accents. I think I am loving her taupes.
Monarch - from certain angles reminds me of Fyrinnae's Dark Magik. Its a red base with blue glitter. If the base didn't have the shimmer it would mimic Dark Magik.
Kaleidoscope - is another glitter blend with purple, green, and silver glitter. It reminds me of Mardi Gras.
I love Darling Girl. It is truly amazing. I really want to order some lippies next. But my lippie box is exploding. So, I gotta go through it and get rid of some. Go buy Darling Girl! I command ye!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Evil Shades Halloween Swatchlove!
I was so excited when this came out I bought stuff on the first night! I adore Evil Shades. I just do. She has amazing colors and amazing lippies, just amazing everything. So here is part of the Halloween LE Collection!
Re-Animated - is a brown/blue/green shifty shade with amazing sparklies of copper and silver. I love this shade. Its so dynamic.
Zombie Girl - is a nice soft green with blue accents. It has some pink shifts to it. I adore this color. Its also extremely dynamic!
Viral - is a sheer red with warm-toned sparklies. I love it! I just wish the red was slightly more present.
Antivirus - is a sheer orange with green and yellow sparklies. I love this. It adds a slight orangey tone to my lips.
These are swatched on bare lips!
Stormy - was a free sample I received. Its a metallic lilac with a blue shift. Its awesome to say the least. Its so smooth and pigmented.
So here they are! Evil Shades Halloween LE Collection. This collection is amazing. I highly suggest the lippies and both of the eye shadows I got. Also, I think you should buy everything from Evil Shades. =]
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Now its getting crazy!
I feel really horrible about this rant...meh. So my grammar might go down the toilet because it happens when I get angry. I lost my memory card for my camera over a week ago and I ordered a new one through Amazon. Now, I didn't order it through another company then through Amazon, I ordered it straight through Amazon. Amazon Prime to boot. They told me I would receive my package on October 6. I thought that was great. Especially because my boyfriend was coming all the 6 hours to see me for the weekend and I thought what a fun idea it would be to take some pictures of us for once. But no. October 6 passed and no package. I was like "Okay maybe tomorrow." But no. Still nothing. The weekend passed and I didn't get any pictures of my boyfriend and I. Which made me rather upset cause the weather was amazing. But thats not the point. Whenever I would check the tracking on Amazon it said the package was stuck in Indiana. Now, it says "We're sorry. We are unable to retrieve tracking information for this shipment at this time." What is that supposed to mean! Its a memory card!!! Not a bomb!!! Why did you hold it for 6 days then say its not there! Now, I'm pissed. because I would really love to do blog work. Its a fantastic day for it. I have so many things to blog about too! but no!!!!!! I have no camera usage for anything! I just want me package how hard it that! meh!!!!!!
*EDIT* My package got lost apparently and they refunded me. So I ordered another one. They also gave me a $5 gift card for my troubles. Which I thought was nice. I give Amazon Customer service an A+!

Melon cat is angry!
*EDIT* My package got lost apparently and they refunded me. So I ordered another one. They also gave me a $5 gift card for my troubles. Which I thought was nice. I give Amazon Customer service an A+!
Melon cat is angry!
Monday, October 10, 2011
VIE Swatchlove!
On the first of every month VIE has a weird kind of sale where they allow buyers to buy from the custom collections individually and as a whole. I decided to take advantage of that and I ordered one collection and 10 other jars (random ones). Personally, I love VIE. Her shadows are very colorful and have lots of different styles. I feel now though, that she is becoming a bigger store, she should open one! Right now, you can only access her on facebook, which I personally don't mind, but I feel opening a store would be beneficial to her. Well, lets move onto the pretties!
Free Samples:
Paranoia - is a sweet yellow with a silver iridescence.
Luck of the Irish - is a light orangy gold.
Lumos - is a sheer white with silver sparklies.
Full Jars:
Bipolar - is a light orange with blue sparklies. Definitely need a glitter glue for this one.
Obscene - is a black matte. I feel like the formula needs some work though. It was very hard to apply and it shed everywhere.
Spektra - is a favorite. It is a bright pink with a blue/purple shift.
Swamp Creature - was a color with a lot of promise. In the jar it looked like the most gorgeous like blue. On it looks like a metallic white with a light blue/green shift.
Endless Strength - is a really pretty purple with a teal shift.
Friend Bear - is a metallic pastel orange.
Koi - is a bright orange with metallic shimmer.
Live for Today - is a sheer ocean blue.
Soft Waters - is an almost metallic sky blue.
Fishy - is an extremely metallic teal. Reminds me of the Rainbow Fish thing.
Pokemon Collection:
Gardevoir - is a really pretty mint green with silver and black sparklies.
Espeon - is a light baby pink with purple sparklies.
Mismagius - is a dark purple with orange and rainbow sparklies.
Mew - is a satiny light light pink
As you can see some of these really wowed me and some did not. Now that she is pretty established. I think she should perfect her colors and formula. I really want to order her Crazy Primer and her Halloween Collection. And all the colors on my wishlist. =]
Sunday, October 9, 2011
I just wanted to make a little reminder that when I reach 100 followers I will be hosting a giveaway! I am at 76 now!!!! Yay!!! Maybe I will reach 100 for my Blog's Birthday (which is in November/December, I think...I'll have to check on that). It will have an array of goodlies. I'm gonna see if I can hit up some of the vintage stores here too for some jewelry for it =] So it'll be not only makeup. Maybe I will make it themed? IDK....decisions, decisions. I'll get back to you on everything. Ta ta for now!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Geek Chic Swatchlove!!!
Oh goodness gracious! I feel like I haven't blogged in such a while. Do I remember how to do this? Let's see! I ordered during the amazing sale Geek Chic was having when they returned from their break. Of course, being the forgetful person I am, I forgot to order any lippies! But I did mange to get many many shadows =P. Its been awhile since I ordered from Geek Chic and I don't remember why. Their formula is amazing and I love their colors. And the names make me laugh, well, cause I know what most of them mean. XD. I started watching Doctor Who last week (when I should've been studying) which I love. Even though right now I'm watching Project Runway....ANYWAY!
Lets see some love!!
Lets see some love!!
Stay Indoors - is an amazing dark blue/black with lots of blue sparklies. I adore this color. I ordered a sample of this in my first order and I knew I needed a full size when I ran outta the sample 3 weeks ago. This is my autumn/winter staple.
Grey Matter - is a semi-matte grey with light silver sparklies. Its simple but I love it. Grey is another everyday staple of mine.
Ugghh...Brains - is a bright green. I don't own too many of this color anymore. So, its a change. Even though I never really liked this shade very much, I like the yellow shimmer that is there.
Vector - is a dark semi-matte lilac with silver and blue sparklies.
Riddle Me This - is a semi-sheer green with purple sparklies and a blue shimmer. I adore this color. And the Riddler =P.
Princess in Distress - is a peachy pink with silver sparklies in it.
Katamari King - is a semi-matte lilac with silver sparklies.
Are There Any Girls There? - is a semi sheer bright pink with some sparklies in it.
Companion Cube - is a bright bubble gum pink! I miss my companion cube....
Galactically Banned Ale - is a pretty pretty blue with some lovely shimmer.
Bubble Hearth - is a light pepto pink color with some sparklies.
Fear Bomb - is a matte purple with blue accents with some subtle sparklies in it.
Twilight Princess - is one of my favorites of this sample set. It is a dark grey/black with a silver shift.
Shammy - is a bright blue with some rainbow sparklies. It has a really pretty quality to it.
Inevitable Betrayal - is a really interesting color. Its a brown/green with blue sparklies. Its so hard to describe! But I feel like I need more.
Born in Fire - is amazing. Done. Its a reddish violet with red sparklies in it. Its gorgeous.
The Spider - is a matte dusty lilac. Simple and pure. But pretty.
The Pointy End - is a bronzy bown color. I thought I would like this more. But I don't and that makes me sad.
Across the Narrow Sea - is another gorgeous blue with lots of sparklies!!
Drood - is a pastelly orange semi matte. Simple and pretty.
I love Geek Chic...BURT GOT KICK OFF ON PROJECT RUNWAY!!!! WHATTTTT! I liked him.....Well, I love Geek Chic Cosmetics. I need to order some lippies!!! Well I hope you enjoyed these samples! =] I have more reviews and things to do. But they will have to wait til next week. <3
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Miniature Hiatus
As you may have noticed, I have not been blogging so much. I am going on a tiny hiatus til my midterms are over and done with. I didn't expect there to be so much studying involved in all this. Also, marching band has taken most of my time I usually spend blogging. I should return next week with many posts!
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