Type In the Box

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Swatch-a-Day 4+5

*This product was purchased by me*

Happy Mothers Day!!

Technically this was supposed to be done Saturday but it was so rainy I couldn't even get a good light for the picture. So today I bring you two shadows that are super pretty in their own way.

First up I have Detrivore's Exhumation which is from the Graveyard Collection.

According to Detrivore's website, Exhumation is described as "a light taupe brown".

Left shows it without primer
Right shows it with LA Splash Sealer/Base

The next shadow I have for you is from Antoinette's Revolution Cosmetics. This shop closed down quite a long time ago but she made some of my favorite colors to date. This one is no exception.

I have been a huge fan of antique golds for quite awhile for winter and fall.

I would describe this shadow as an antique gold with some bronze qualities. 

Left shows the shadow bare
Right shows the shadow with LA Splash Sealer/Base under it

I hope you enjoyed today's swatches! See you tomorrow!



  1. I have that second one, I looove the color but I've never used it because of what all happened with that company. Just haven't been able to bring myself to it. I almost used it the other day but ended up doing a different look. I'd still like to use it and my others sometime.. it is an awesome color.
